目的了解深圳市龙岗区2009年4月-2010年5月流感流行规律,为有效防制提供依据。方法通过流行病学、血清学和病原学监测,对深圳市龙岗区流感流行情况进行分析。结果深圳市龙岗区2009年4月-2010年5月监测流感样病例(ILI)43 249例,占监测就诊病例总数的8.42%;全年均有病例发生,6月和7月ILI病例数最多;流感样病例主要集中在0~和5~岁年龄组,占79.4%;采集ILI鼻咽拭子标本520份,分离出91株流感病毒,阳性率为17.5%,新甲型H1N1 19株,H1N1亚型7株,H3N2亚型14株,B(Victoria)亚型51株。流感暴发疫情主要发生在中、小学校,占81.2%。核酸检测以季节性甲流和新甲型H1N1流感为主(81.2%)。结论深圳市龙岗区全年均有流感样病例发生,以夏季和冬季为高发季节,主要流行株为甲型H1N1流感病毒株和B型流感病毒(Victoria系),流感监测对预防流行有重要意义。
Objective To investigate the epidemic regularity of influenza virus in Longgang District of Shenzhen from April 2009 to May 2010, and to provide the evidence for effective control of influenza. Methods The situation of influenza epidemic in Longgang District was analyzed according to the surveillance of epidemiology, serology and etiology. Results A total of 43,249 influenza - like illness (ILI) cases were collected from April 2009 to May 2010 in Longgang District, which accounted for 8.42% of the all OPD cases. ILl cases distributed throughout the year, with the peak in June and July. ILI cases were mainly found in the age groups of 0 -- year and 5 --years, which accounted for 79.4 %. A total of 520 ILI nasopharyngeal swabs were collected, 91 strains of influenza viruses were isolated, which included 19 strains of influenza virus (H1N1), 7 strains of H1N1 virus, 14 stains of H3N2 virus and 51 strains of influenza B virus. Primary and secondary schools were the major spots of the outbreaks. Conclusions ILI occurred throughout the year in Longgang District of Shenzhen City and peaked in summer and winter. The predominant virus types were seasonal H1N1 and new influenza (H1N1) according to nucleic acid (Victoria series) and influenza A (H1N1). Influenza surveillance is important to prevent influenza epidemic.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Influenza virus
Influenza surveillance
Influenza - like illness
Influenza antibody
Influenza A (H1N1)