

New Discussions on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes——From the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Communication
摘要 和平解决国际争端既是国际法上所要恪守的一项基本原则,同时也是国际法上的一项基本制度。然而,在国际法的实践中,各国在和平解决彼此之间存在的国际争端方面效果并不理想,究其原因,在于国际争端或冲突各方没有从跨文化交际的角度深刻理解关于国际争端或冲突背后所蕴含的跨文化歧异或冲突所致。因此,各国只有充分认识到跨文化交际在和平解决国际争端方面的重要作用,才能使得彼此之间业已存在的各种争端或冲突得以顺利的解决,从而达到各国和平共处及友好合作的目的。 The peaceful settlement of international disputes is not only a basic principle in international law, but also a basic system of international law. However, according to the practices of states in international law, the effect through the peaceful means to resolve international disputes between the parties to the dispute is not satisfactory, the reason is that parties to international disputes or conflicts have not formed the perspective of cross - cultural communication on a deep understanding of international disputes or conflict behind it due to the cultural differences. Therefore, only the parties to international disputes or conflicts are fully aware of the important role of the cross - cultural communication in the process of peaceful settlement of international disputes, the already existing various disputes and conflicts between the parties to international disputes or conflicts can be resolved smoothly, the parties also can achieve peaceful coexistence and friendly cooperation.
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期139-141,145,共4页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 湖南省社科基金项目"从人权看跨文化交际的冲突与协调"(09YBB386)阶段性成果
关键词 国际法 国际争端 和平解决 跨文化交际 international law international disputes peaceful settlement cross - cultural communication
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