Copepods distribution and gut pigment contents were studied during two cruses in the Laizhouwan: spring tide Cruise, 19-24 and neap tide cruse 26-30 July 1997. In addition to routine measurements (CTD, nutrients, chlorophyll, primacy production, copepods abundance, etc.), observations and experiments on copepods gut pigment contents, diurnal feeding rhythms and gut evacuation rites were conducted. Copepod assemblages were divided into two size groups: large size group (>500mm) and small size group (200-500mm) by the body size approach in the study. The purpose of this work is to understand better copepods feeding and the grazing impact on phytoplankton by the different size groups. The result showed that the small copepods (mainly Paracalanus parvus, Acartia bifilosa, Oithona similis etc.) dominated numerically and accounted for > 90% of the copepods community. The large copepods (mainly Calanus sinicus, Acartia pacific) were less abundant and decreased in number with increasing temperature. The mean level of gut pigments increased with increasing size, but relatively low. The distribution pattern of gut pigments implied that grazing of copepods was affected by the same environmental factors (food availability, temperature, etc.). The large size group of copepod assemblages performed feeding rhythms with maximum level at midnight. No apparent feeding rhythms was found in the small groups. The daily grazing rate of the copepod population on phytoplankton at A4 was 20.81%-98.35% of the primary production and 2.53%-6.36% of the phytoplankton standing stock. The consumption of phytoplankton was mainly caused by grazing of the small size group of copepods (84.0%-87.9%).
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica