
ABO基因定型解决正反定型不符合标本3例 被引量:4

Using ABO Genotype to Solve the Abnormal Serological Blood Group on 3 Samples
摘要 目的建立PCR-SSP(sequence specific primer,SSP)法ABO基因定型技术用于血型工作中常见问题的解决。方法运用血型血清学方法、PCR-SSP法进行3例实际工作中较有代表性的正反定型不符合样本检测。结果血清学方法检出了3例正反定型不一致的样本。基因检测结果显示:样本1、3是AB基因型;样本2是OIVOIV基因型。此3例样本血清学检测结果相互矛盾,不能得出正确结论。PCR-SSP法检测结果清晰,可及时准确定型。结论血型基因定型技术较血型血清学方法更准确、可靠,是血型血清学技术的极好补充。 Objective To set up a PCR-SSP method to solve the common problems in laboratory.Method To detect three typical abnormal samples by serological and PCR-SSP methods respectively.Result Three abnormal samples were detected by serological method.The results of genotypes showed that both of sample 1 and 3 were AB genotypes.The sample 2 was OIVOIV genotype.The three serological results showed kind of contradiction while PCR-SSP had accurate results.Conclusion Compared with the serological method,PCR-SSP shows more accurate and reliable character,which greatly reinforces serological technique.
机构地区 河北省血液中心
出处 《临床输血与检验》 CAS 2012年第1期14-17,共4页 Journal of Clinical Transfusion and Laboratory Medicine
基金 河北省专家出国培训项目 河北省2009年度医学科学研究重点课题计划(No.20090301)资助
关键词 PCR-SSP 血清学 ABO基因定型 PCR-SSP Serology ABO genotype
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