通过田间试验和数理统计对橘全爪螨(Panonychus citri Me Gregor)田间动态及环境因素对其的影响进行探讨。橘全爪螨在湖北温州蜜柑产区一年有2次虫口高峰,分别出现在5~6月和9~10月。温度是影响橘全爪螨生长发育的主要因素,螨与卵的田间增长在旬平均气温15~20℃时最快。虫口高峰一般出现在22~27℃、相对湿度为75%~83%时。长期阴雨不利于其种群发展,旬雨量超过100 mm引起种群密度急剧下降。如果环境条件适合则种群增殖力随其成螨密度增加而增强。田间天敌混合种群与害螨田间动态符合Leslie模型,当天敌量达到每叶0.05~0.08头时,可控制害螨种群发展。
Population dynamics and environmental factors of citrus red mite(Panonychus citri) were studied by field test and mathematical statistics.The results showed that there were two population peaks of the mite in each year in "Satsuma Mandarin" producing area of Hubei province,appearing at May to June and September to October respectively.Atmospheric temperature was the primary factor affecting the growth and development of the mite.The highest increasing speed of mites and eggs appeared at 15~20℃;and the population peak usually appeared when temperature was 22~27℃,and humidity was 75%~83%.Long time of rainfall could inhibit the development of population as the population would decrease sharply if the precipitation of ten days exceeded 100 mm.The population proliferation ability would increase according to the increase of adult mite density.The dynamics of mite population and its enemies coincide with Leslie Patter.When the density of mites enemies(Stethorus punctillum,etc) was 0.05~0.08 head per leaf,the population development of the harmful mite could be controlled.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences