
PBX炸药细观结构冲击点火的二维数值模拟 被引量:12

Two-dimensional Mesoscale Simulation of Shock Ignition in PBX Explosives
摘要 为了研究冲击加载下非均质炸药的点火机理,对PBX炸药细观结构在冲击加载下的响应过程进行了二维数值模拟。首先对炸药颗粒的压制过程进行数值模拟,获得PBX炸药的细观结构模型。然后对炸药冲击点火进行数值模拟计算,考虑了热力耦合作用和炸药自热反应,分析了炸药颗粒尺寸、密度和黏结剂对炸药冲击点火的影响。结果表明,冲击作用下PBX炸药点火点出现在炸药颗粒与黏结剂界面处;炸药颗粒尺寸较小时,PBX炸药点火的临界压力较大;随着PBX炸药密度的增加,临界点火压力逐渐增大;黏结剂能够衰减冲击波对炸药颗粒的压缩作用,黏结剂增多,PBX炸药的临界点火压力提高。 To investigate the mechanism of shock ignition in heterogeneous explosives,two-dimensional mesoscale simulation of PBX explosives under shock loading was conducted.Through simulation of explosive particles pressing,the mesoscale structure of PBX was obtained.Then the shock ignition of PBX explosives was calculated,and the coupled thermo-mechanics and self-heating reaction were considered,and the influence of explosive density,particle size and binder content on shock ignition were analyzed.The results show that hot spots focus on the interface between explosive particles and binder.The critical pressure to ignite explosives in small particle size is higher than that in large particle size.The critical pressure to ignite explosives in low density is higher than that of explosives in high density.In addition,binders play an important role in attenuating shock intensity on explosive particles,and PBX explosives in more binder content are more insensitive than those in less binder content.
出处 《火炸药学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期10-16,共7页 Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants
基金 国防973(61383) 国家自然科学基金NSAF重点基金(10832003)
关键词 爆炸力学 非均质炸药 细观结构 热点 冲击加载 explosion mechanics heterogeneous explosives mesoscale structure hot spots shock loading
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