利用新型人工电磁媒质来模拟电磁诱导透明(Electromagnetically Induced Transparency,EIT)现象是新兴的电磁学研究方向,有望让本属于量子光学领域的EIT现象的高Q值、低损耗和大群折射率等优势得到更广泛的应用。文章在传统太赫兹EIT人工电磁媒质的设计中引入了高温超导材料钇钡铜氧(YBCO),通过温控的方式改变YBCO的电导率进而影响YBCO薄膜的介电性质,实现了主动式的类EIT现象并对EIT人工电磁媒质的调谐特性进行了动态的分析,为开发利用类EIT效应的新型太赫兹调制器件和可调谐的慢光、延时器件提供了新思路。
YRecently, mimicking EIT in metamaterials has attracted tremendous attention in electromagnetism field,which may give rise to the extensive applications of the high Q value, low-loss and large group index of EIT in quantum optics field.In the paper,we utilize the superconductor YBCO films in the design. The conductivity of the YBCO films can be changed by altering the temprature, thereby changing the dielectric properties.Thus,the Eft-like effect can be achieved and dynamically be manipulated,which may result in the generation of the EIT-like terahertz active devices and provide the new ways in tunable slow-light and optical delay lines.
Journal of Honghe University