
积极心理学在公安课堂教育教学中的思考——学生积极情绪体验能力的培养 被引量:2

Thought of Positive Psychology in Public Security Education Teaching——Based on the training of positive moods and emotions experience in public security colleges classroom teaching
摘要 积极心理学主张研究人的心理的积极方面,通过培养和发展人的积极力量,使人真正成为健康和生活幸福的人。积极心理学的教育理念对当前公安院校课堂教学有重要启示,它促使我们转变教育观念:课堂教学不仅要传授知识,培养学生公安实战技能,而且要引导学生乐学、好学,使学生在学习的过程中掌握获得快乐、幸福的能力,即培养其生成积极情绪情感体验的能力。 Positive psychology claims to study the positive aspects of psychology,by training and developing human beings' positive power,enable people to be healthy and happy.Its education concept has very important enlightenment to the current public security colleges classroom teaching and urges us to change our education concept: classroom teaching should not only impart knowledge,develop students' public security of combat skills but also guide students to learn happily and studiously and enables students to master how to obtain the ability of merriness and happiness,that is,to develop them to generate the ability of positive moods and emotions experience.
作者 彭科莲
出处 《中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第6期172-174,共3页 Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 公安院校 课堂教学 积极情绪体验 能力 心理弹性 public security colleges classroom teaching positive moods and emotions experience ability mental flexibility
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