Regional Cooperation,Global Changes, SAARC and China
Regional Cooperation,Global Changes, SAARC and China
Southeast Asia & South Asian Studies
1Some of these may also be classified as cross - regional groupings, such as FTAs between developing and developed countries.
2WTO itself initially encouraged RTAs, seeing them as complimenting the multilateral trading regime, but now the RTAS are being viewed, by WTO and others, as alternative to the WTO/multilateral trading system itself.
3According to the 2010 Human Development Report,Sri Lanka stands at 91 ,Maldives at 107 ,India at 119 ,Pakistan at 125 ,Bangladesh at 129,and Nepal is at 138 in HDI ranking. While statistics for Bhutan are not cited in the report,the mention of wartorn Afghanistan is not at all necessary which stands at 155th place.
4Islamabad,Saleem Zafar and Awais bin Wasi,"Terrorism in India: Method in Madness?" Policy Perspectives 7,No. 2 (2010).
1阿米德·萨里姆.SAARC & China[J].东南亚南亚研究,2011(B12):87-90.
2马加力.The Achievements and Challenges of SAARC[J].东南亚南亚研究,2011(B12):1-4.
3法扎尔·拉赫曼.China -SAARC Promoting People -to -People Contacts[J].东南亚南亚研究,2011(B12):95-100.
4Wan Lingying is Associate Research Fellow at China Institute of International Studies.New Development of East Asian Regional Cooperation and Its Prospects[J].China International Studies,2010,30(4):78-96.
5文富德.Understanding RMB, Using RMB, Expanding the Economic Relations between China and SAARC[J].东南亚南亚研究,2011(B12):33-35.
7Hamid Karzai.Afghanistan’ Role In Regional Cooperation[J].Contemporary International Relations,2006,16(6):1-6.
8昆达克尔·哥拉姆·莫济姆.SAARC -China Economic Cooperation: Recent Trends,Opportunities and Challenges[J].东南亚南亚研究,2011(B12):101-112.
9尼哈尔·洛德里戈.China's Engagement with SAARC: Priorities & Possibilities[J].东南亚南亚研究,2011(B12):70-75.
10尼斯察尔·潘迪.China's Engagement with SAARC.Priorities and Possibilities[J].东南亚南亚研究,2011(B12):80-86.