

History of fish-eating culture and latest trends in seafood consumption in Japan
摘要 日本的食鱼文化内涵受历史、经济、政治、地理、气候等多方面的影响一直在不断发展变化。近年来,受西方生活方式的影响,畜禽肉和奶制品的消费量逐年增加,相对来说水产品的消费呈现下降趋势,但是动物性蛋白的一半仍然来源于水产品。介绍了日本食鱼文化的历史和发展演变,以及从最新的水产品家庭消费统计数据和具体的水产加工制品的消费变化来介绍日本最近的水产品消费动向。 Japan has a long history of fish-eating culture due to the geographical features,which is comprised of many islands surrounded by sea.Fish-eating culture has been handed down and accumulated from generation to generation in eating life,centering on fish,including the techniques of catching,handling and judging fish,way of processing and preserving fish.It has been changed and developed due to the effect of many factors such as history,economic,politics,geography,and climate.In spite of the decline in the annual catch and the growth of fishery imports,the per capita consumption of seafood is still about 60 kg in Japan.In recent years,livestock meat and dairy consumption increase year by year in Japan and aquatic products consumption has relatively declined because of more westernized lifestyle.However,half of animal protein still comes from the aquatic products.In contrast,with the rapid development of economy,Chinese people are paying more attention to healthy and high nutrition aquatic products.This paper introduces the history of Japanese fish-eating culture by the analysis of the latest aquatic product households consumption statistics data and the processed aquatic products consumption changes,to introduce Japanese recent seafood culture trend.We hope that it provide some reference for aquatic products processing industry and scientific researchers in China.
出处 《渔业现代化》 北大核心 2011年第6期63-68,共6页 Fishery Modernization
基金 日本财团法人水产资源海域环境保全研究会基金课题"中国水产资源利用的动向研究"
关键词 食鱼文化 水产品加工 水产品消费 鱼糜制品 消费喜好 日本 fish-eating culture aquatic products processing seafood consumption surimi-based products consumer preference Japan
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