
加州大学伯克利分校何以久负盛名:历史性动因的视角 被引量:15

What Made Berkeley Great? The Sources of Berkeley's Sustained Academic Excellence
摘要 加州大学伯克利分校卓越学术地位的形成和巩固源于5个重要的关键历史因素:(1)多元化的经费筹措渠道;(2)州长的支持及其领导才能;(3)总校校长的领导艺术;(4)加州独具的先锋理念;(5)州政府以及加州大学总校的权力下放。乐观主义者和悲观主义者对这些因素的当前和未来的生命力看法两极。而作为大学管理者,拥有一定的乐观情绪,并秉持谨慎态度是非常重要的,加州政府和加州大学总校也不要限制伯克利为维持其学术卓越性所做的努力。 UC Berkeley's chief academic officer explores the historical sources of Berkeley's academic excellence. He identifies five key factors: (1) wealth from many sources; (2) supportive and skilled governors; (3) leadership from key UC presidents; (4) the pioneering ethos within the State of California; and (5) a process of continuous devolution of authority within the State and the University. He then addressed the extent to which these factors continue as causal drivers today. He concludes conclusion is by identifying optimistic and pessimistic scenarios, based on contrasting assumptions about the strength of those causal drivers, and ends with a call for the State and the UC system not to inhibit efforts by UCB's leaders to do what is needed to sustain Berkeley's academic excellence.
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期1-14,共14页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
关键词 加州大学伯克利分校 学术卓越 研究型大学 校长 UC Berkeley academic excellence research university president
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  • 1Douglass, John Aubrey, The California Idea and American Higher Education: 1850 to the 1960 Master Plan (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000), 104.
  • 2Kerr, Clark, The Gold and the Blue : A Personal Memoir of the University California, 1949 -- 1967, Vol. 1. Ac- ademic Triumphs (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2001),56.
  • 3Pelfrey, Patricia A. , A Brief History of the University of California. Second edition (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004) ,29 - 30.
  • 4Kerr, Clark, The Gold and the Blue : A Personal Memoir of the University California, 1949 -- 1967, Vol. 1. Academic Triumphs (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2001), 56.
  • 5Douglass, John Aubrey, The California Idea and American Higher Education: 1850 to the 1960 Master Plan (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000), 140 - 141.
  • 6Douglass , John Aubrey, The California Idea and American Higher Education: 1850 to the 1960 Master Plan (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000), 106.
  • 7Pelfrey, Patricia A. , A Brief History of the University of California. Second edition (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004), 16.
  • 8Pelfrey, Patricia A. , A Brief History of the University of California. Second edition (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004) ,63.
  • 9Pelfrey, Patricia A. , A Brief History of the University of California. Second edition (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004) ,24.
  • 10Douglass, John Aubrey, The California Idea and American Higher Education: 1850 to the 1960 Master Plan (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,2000), 112.










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