

Effect of oxygen content in La_(0.67)Sr_(0.33)Mn_(0.9)Fe_(0.1)O_3 systems
摘要 采用标准的固相反应方法制备了La0.67Sr0.33Mn0.9Fe0.1O3氧化物系列样品,为了研究样品氧含量对样品性质的影响,分别在空气中、流动氧气中和真空中烧结了系列样品。研究发现,氧含量的不同可以在很大程度上改变物质的内部结构及其组成,可以看出在氧气氛围和真空中烧结样品的输运性质明显有别于空气中烧结的样品,这是由于氧含量的不同,改变了样品中载流子的浓度以及Mn离子的局域环境,样品中的铁磁与反铁磁作用的相互竞争和样品内部电子的局域化等因素的存在,影响材料的磁电性能。 Uses the standard solid phase respond method has prepared La0.67Sr0.33Mn0.9Fe0.1O3 oxide compound series sample,in order to study the sample oxygen content to the sample archery target influence,separately in the air,the mobile oxygen and the vacuum has agglutinated the series sample.the oxygen content is different may change material in the very great degree the internal structure and its the composition,may see in the oxygen atmosphere and the vacuum agglutinates the sample transportation nature obviously not to have the sample which agglutinates in the air,this is as a result of the oxygen content difference,changed in the sample the current carrier density as well as the Mn ion bureau territory environment,in the sample ferromagnetic with the anti-ferromagnetic function mutual competition and the sample interior electron the factor and so on bureau territory existence,affects the material magnetoelectricity performance.
作者 张星 郝艳玲
出处 《兴义民族师范学院学报》 2011年第3期107-110,共4页 Journal of Minzu Normal University of Xingyi
基金 贵州省教育厅自然科学研究项目(20090099) 黔西南州科技局科技计划(2010-43)资助项目
关键词 锰氧化物 CMR效应 X射线衍射 扫描电镜 Manganese oxide compound CMR effect X-ray diffraction scanning electron microscope
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