人工驯养条件下绿孔雀常常因种源、饲养环境、技术条件等诸多因素导致其腿部畸形的发生。2003~2010年,我们共繁殖绿孔雀120余只,蓝孔雀800余只,其中有19只绿孔雀,100余只蓝孔雀出现"船桨状"畸形,畸形率达到了12%~16%。此类畸形一旦发生,如不及时矫正,1~2 d便会死亡。为此我们对出现该类畸形的个体进行了矫正试验,通过不断改进,最终形成了较为简单、有效的应对方法——用毛线在其跗蹠最下端进行简单的捆绑固定进行牵引矫正,畸形个体一般3~10 min内可行走,10 d左右便可康复。最终有17只绿孔雀,96只蓝孔雀获得康复,康复率达到了90%以上。同时我们还对出现此类情况的野鸭、斑头雁、非洲冠鹤等进行了该项矫正操作,均获得了康复。所以,我们认为这个方法的应用对早成鸟幼雏"船桨状"畸形的矫正是非常可行和有效的,其适用范围是普遍的,可以借鉴和推广。
Due to genetics, feeding environments, and feeding techniques, we often encounter a paddle - like leg deformity in newly hatched green peafowl chicks. During 2003 -2010, more than 120 green peafowls and more than 800 blue peafowls were hatched in Kunming Zoo, of which 19 green peafowls and more than 100 blue peafowls were deformed with paddle - like legs, accounting for about 12% -16% of all hatchlings. When the deformity was not corrected in time, nestlings died 1 -2 days post - hatching. We used several methods to correct this deformity. Woolen yarn was tied at the end of the tarsus to pull the foot into the correct position. Treated hatchlings could walk several minutes after their feet were tied with woolen yam and had normal feet within 10 days. Seventeen green peafowl and 96 blue peafowls were cured using this method, accounting for 90% of the deformed hatchlings. This method was further used successfully on wild duck, bar - headed goose, and African crowned crane. This method was useful for curing the paddle - like leg of peafowl hatchlings and might be useful to treat other species.
Green peafowl