
社会资本对反贫困的影响研究:多元范式的形成与发展 被引量:4

On the Influence of Anti-poverty by Social Capital:On the Formation and Development of the Multi-paradigm
摘要 国外学术界对社会资本在反贫困中的作用研究,形成了丰富的研究成果,呈现出多元研究范式等特征。根据经验事实、理论基础和主要思想,可以将这些研究区分为资本范式、制度范式和关系范式。对多元研究范式的分类和总结,对于国内学者研究我国政府主导的反贫困进程中社会资本的作用,具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。 Plenty of researches on the role social capital plays against poverty have been done by scholars abroad with rich research findings. These researches are characterized by their multiparadigms and multi-perspectives. Based on the experience and evidence, theoretical basis, and the main ideas, these researches are classified as the capital paradigm, the system paradigm, and the relation paradigm. According to the difference in focuses, they are grouped as macro perspective, meso perspective, and micro perspective. The classification and summary of the multi-paradigms and multi-perspectives of researches may offer important implications and references for domestic studies of the role of social capital in the Chinese anti-poverty process led by the government.
作者 周文 李晓红
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期63-71,共9页 Teaching and Research
基金 教育部规划项目"反贫困进程中贫困人口能力形成的产权分析--以贵州省50个扶贫开发重点县为例"(项目号:09YJA790054) 国家社会科学基金课题"西南地区少数民族贫困县的贫困与反贫困调查与评估"(项目号:09XMZ049)的资助
关键词 社会资本 反贫困 多元范式 多层视角 social capital anti-poverty multi-paradigm multi-perspectives
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