
Apla语言中并发分布式机制的研究 被引量:4

Research on Concurrent and Distributed Mechanism of Apla Language
摘要 从并发分布式程序设计的角度,对现有的并发分布式语言进行分析比较,选取Jayadev Misra教授近几年提出的全新结构化并发分布式语言Orc作为研究对象。通过深入分析Orc语言的基本原理和语言特征,提出了一个能够适合Apla抽象程序设计语言的并发分布式机制,设计了并发算子、并发语句、进程定义、进程通信和进程同步,并通过实例探讨了该设计方案的可行性和实用性,最后阐述了Apla语言中并发分布式机制具有通用性强、抽象层次高、简单易懂、便于并发分布式程序的开发等优点。 From the viewpoint of concurrent and distributed programming,several concurrent and distributed programming languages were analyzed and compared.A novel structured distributed and concurrent language Orc was designed and implemented by Professor Jayadev Misra.After analyzing the fundamental principles and language-characters,a new concurrent and distributed mechanism of Apla(Abstract Programming LAnguage) was originally designed in the paper.The mechanism includes the concurrent operator,concurrent statements,the definition,communication and synchronization of process.The feasibility and practicability of the mechanism were illustrated by giving a representative example.Finally,many advantages(such as generality,simplicity,Abstract,easy-to-writing) of the concurrent and distributed mechanism were presented.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期104-108,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60573080 60773054) 国家自然基金重大国际合作研究项目(61020100609) 科技部国际科技合作项目(2008DFA11940) 江西师范大学青年成长基金项目(3174)资助
关键词 并发分布式程序设计 Orc语言 Apla抽象程序设计语言 并发分布式机制 Concurrent and distributed programming Orc language Apla language Concurrent and distributed mechanism
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