
面对现代性的焦虑——霍桑作品中的城市意象 被引量:1

The City Images in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works
摘要 霍桑许多作品的城市意象是充满物欲、荒凉、颓败、令人压抑的,表现出对现代文明影响之下、在城市文明的加速发展之中的人生状态的深入叩问。那是作家内心感受的描摹。作家以自我强烈的主观性透入城市生活,使城市表现为物理意义上的空间呈现,也是社会性的呈现,是一种文学或文化上的结构体。他的创作审美地展现了人怎样在现代性宏大叙事的冲击下走上失去家园的不归路,表现了作家对人性、人的存在、人生终极问题的探寻,充满着对人前途命运的疑问、焦虑。 The city images in many of Nathaniel Hawthorne's works are materialistic,bleak,collapsing and depressing,reflecting the author's profound exploration into man's living in modern times and urbanization in the fast paces.They present the author's feelings of the city life,showing his strong subjective penetration of the city and making it a literary structure or a cultural structure;it is a spatial presentation in physical sense,but more a social one,revealing aesthetically how man,affected by the grand narratives of modernity,is sent into the homeless state and onto the road again for ever searching for home.They embody the author's quest of man's nature,man's existence and ultimate questions of life,showing his doubt about and anxiety over man's future.
作者 蒙雪琴
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期126-131,共6页 Foreign Literature
基金 2010年度国家社科基金项目西部项目"纳桑尼尔.霍桑的影响力研究"(01XWW008)
  • 相关文献


  • 1Coale, Samuel Chase. The Entanglements of Na- thaniel Hawthorne :Haunted Minds and Ambiguous Approaches. New York: Camden House, 2011.
  • 2Emerson, Ralph Waldo. " Self-Reliance." The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Vol. 1. Lexington.. Heath, 1994.
  • 3Gollin, Rita K. "Nathaniel Hawthorne. " The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Vol. 1.
  • 4Habermas, Jtirgen. The philosophy Discourse of Mo- dernity. Cambridge: Polity, 1987.
  • 5Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "Rappaccini's Daughter." Nathaniel Hawthorne's Tales Ed. James Mcintonsh. New York.. Norton, 1987.
  • 6Meltzer, Milton. Nathaniel Hawthorne : A Biogra- phy. Minneapolis.. Lerner, 2006.
  • 7巴赫金.《答<新世界>编辑部问》.钱中文编.《巴赫金全集》第4卷,河北教育出版社,1998年,第370页.
  • 8霍克海默等.《启蒙辨证法》,渠敬东等译.上海:上海人民出版社,2006.
  • 9霍桑.《古宅传奇》,方博译.上海:上海译文出版社,1991.
  • 10霍桑.《故事集:故事与小品》,姚乃强等译.北京:三联书店,1997.


  • 1《格拉斯作品集·17卷本》.
  • 2Gunter Grass, Werkausgabe in siebzehn Banden, Hg. v. Volker Neuhaus, Daniela Hermes, Gottingen: 1997.
  • 3Max Horkheimer, Theodor W Adomo, Dialektik der Auflarung. Philosophische Fragmente, Frankfurt a. M., Neuauflage, 1996, S. 18, S. 41f.
  • 4Harro Zimmermann, Gunter Grass, Vom Abenteuer der Aufldarung. Werkstattgesprache, Gottingen: 2000, S. 194, S. 221, 224, S. 203f, S. 132, S. 222.
  • 5Gunter Grass, Wolf Scheller, "Zunge raus und dann dreinreden. Ein Gespr~ch mit Gunter Grass uber lndien und Grass und alles", in: Stuttgarter Zeitung, 22, 07, 1988.
  • 6Gunter Grass, Zungezeigen, Darmstadt: 1988.
  • 7Max Horkheimer, "Zum Begriff der Verunft",in: Sociologica IL Reden und Vortrage, Frankfurt a. M. 1962, S. 193, S. 194, S. 3, 5, 7.
  • 8Dasgupta Subhoranjan, Gtlnter Grass, "Calcutta Demands its Own Bengali James Joyce ", in: Martin Kgmpchen (Hg.), My Broken Love, New Delhi: 2001, S. 158.
  • 9Wie Fremdes vertraut wird und fremd bleibt, Stuttgart: 2005, S. 100f.
  • 10Grass Chowdhury, "Misery Has a Terrifying Beauty", in: Martin Kampchen (Hg.), My Broken Love, New Delhi: 2001, S. 162.











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