

On the Enlightening of Body Perception of Minna von Barnhelm
摘要 莱辛是德国启蒙运动的代表人物,本文以启蒙时期的感知话语为切入视角,解读莱辛的喜剧作品《明娜·冯·巴尔赫姆》。剧中明娜通过身体演示,模仿未婚夫台尔海姆受到压抑的视觉与听觉感知,引导台尔海姆恢复自身的整体感知能力,成为完整的人。戏剧表达18世纪下半叶的德意志对构建感知整体性的呼吁——人要像重视理性那样,重视自身的情感和感知能力。这既是对启蒙运动理性至上观念的反拨,又体现了启蒙时期身体感知话语的重要地位。而这种对整体感知能力的追求,以及对理性与感性和谐统一的诉求,预示了启蒙之后古典时代的即将到来。 Lessing is the representative of the German Enlightenment.Based on the perception discourse in the Enlightenment,this paper interprets Lessing's comedy Minna von Barnhelm.Minna imitates the repressed visual and auditory perception of her fiancé Tellheim through the body presentation,guides him in restoring his overall perception and becoming a complete person.The drama expresses the German's call for building the perception integrity in the second half of the 18th century — man should attach importance to his own feelings and perception,as man attaches importance to the rationality.This is not only the backwash on the rationality supremacy of the Enlightenment,but also reflects the importance of the discourse of body perception in the Enlightenment.And the pursuit of the perception integrity as well as the appeal for the harmony of rationality and perception predict that after the Enlightenment the classical era is coming.
作者 郑萌芽
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期132-139,160,共8页 Foreign Literature
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