
中国樱桃授粉结实和果实发育的研究 被引量:4

Studies on pollination fruiting and Fruit Development of Chi-nese cherry.
摘要 中国樱桃短柄和尖嘴品种在日平均气温4~5℃花芽开始萌动,12℃左右开花,14℃左右盛开。在10~25℃范围内花粉发芽率随气温上升而增高。在15℃条件下花粉经过4~8h开始发芽。短柄樱桃花粉发芽适应的气温范围广,低温下发芽率高于尖嘴樱桃。雌蕊授粉结实能力一般持续4~5 d,阴雨潮湿天气相应延长。以开花后1 d授粉的座果率为最高,第6 d明显下降。开花后4 d内平均气温和座果率呈直线回归,达到显著水平。以自然传粉的授粉方式,座果率为最高,同品种不同单株授粉座果率低,但高于自花授粉。樱桃有3次落果高峰,采前落果严重。果实生长期从盛花至果熟约47~55d.果实鲜重增长最快时间在采前10~15d.果肉干重在采前15d达到高峰。果实纵横径增长均表现为迅速生长。 The flower bud of Chinese cherry starts activities at an average daily temperature of 4-5℃, bursts in blossom at about 12℃ and in full blossom at about 14℃. The rate of pollen germination increases along with the temperature upgoing at 10-25℃. At 15℃ pollen will begin to germinate in 4-8 hours. For pollen germination the early-matured varieties have a larger temperature range to adapt to and a higher germination rate than late-matured ones. The time for pistil capable of being fertilized is generally 4-5 days, but longer if it rains. The rate of fruit setting would be the highest if the pollination were carried out at the first day after blossoming, but shows a steep drop in the fifth day. Within the 4 days after blossoming there exists a straight line regression, which gets up to a remarkable level, between the rate of fruit setting and the average temperature. Moreover natural pollination would result in the highest rate of fruit setting, but this rate would be low if the pollination proceeded among the individuals of the same variety, which is, however, higher than self-pollination. There are 3 times at which the amount of dropped fruit is large, and it is before plucked that the fruit drop is the severest. The fruit growth period is about 47-55 days from full blossom to fruit maturity. In addition, 10-15 days before plucking the fresh fruit weight, mainly the water content, increases fastest, whereas the dry fruit flesh weighs the heaviest 15 days before plucking. For the increase of fruit longitudinal and cross diameters there are 3 periods, among which diameters increase slowly in the second period, thus assuming a S curve.
机构地区 浙江林学院
出处 《浙江林学院学报》 CSCD 1990年第1期15-21,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
关键词 樱桃 授粉 结实 果实发育 中国樱桃 Chinsse cherry, Prunus pseudocerasus pollination and fruiting fruit development
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