

Analysis on treating effect of different plants on contaminants removal of chemimechnical pulp wastewater by using analog constructed wetlands
摘要 针对某化机浆厂SBR生化处理出水,采用实验室模拟垂直流人工湿地系统研究了不同植物对污水中污染物的去除效果。选取了风车草、芦苇和富贵竹三种植物,同时对处理效果最好的植物富贵竹与基质无烟煤进行复配进一步处理化机浆废水。研究表明:(1)三种不同植物对污水有不同的处理效果,停留时间越长效果越好,当停留时间为20天时,富贵竹对COD的去除效果最好,去除率最高能达到53.1%,芦苇对污水COD的去除率为22.3%,风车草为20.8%;富贵竹对污水TP的去除效果也最好,去除率为97.4%,其次为风车草和芦苇,去除率分别为97.1%和96.4%;在污水的色度方面,经三种不同植物处理20d后,污水的色度分别降到486倍、500倍和500倍;(2)在运用优选出的富贵竹构建模拟的垂直流人工湿地系统处理废水的进一步研究中,通过富贵竹+无烟煤组合及其无基质和无植物的对照实验,发现富贵竹+无烟煤组合对污染物去除率最高,当停留时间为20d时,其对污水的COD、TP的去除率分别为41.5%和98.2%,并且色度可降低到484倍;无烟煤(无植物)组处理效果次之,处理效果最差为富贵竹(无基质)组。 The removal efficiency of different plants to pollutants ir wastewater was studied by using simulated lab vertical constructed wetlands system in view of certain chemimechanical pulping plant tc treat water by SBR biochemical methods. The dracaena sanderiana, reed and cyperus alternifolius were selected as substrates and the best one of them was chosen to have a further research. The results show that: (1) the removal rates for the wastewater are different tbr the system with three kinds of different plants, which is better when residence time is longer and the residence time is 20 days, the dracaena sanderiana is the best one lbr the COD removal, with 53.1% reached, while the reed and the cyperus alternifolius are 22.3% and 20.8% respectively; the besl removal rate of TP is 97.4% by the dracaena sanderiana, which are 97.1% and 96.4% by the reed and the cyperus alternifolius; the chroma of the wastewater can be reduced to 486 times, 500 times and 500 times by dracaena sanderiana, reed and cyperus alternilblius respectively; (2) the dracaena sanderiana is chosen to have a further research, with control groups: the anthracite(without plant) and the dracaena sanderiana(withoul substrate),the results are as follow: the system with both the dracaena sanderiana and the anthracite can get the best treatment efficiency, when the residence time is 20 days, the removal efficiency of COD, TP are 41.5% and 98.2% respectively, the chroma of the wastewater can also be reduced to 484 times; groups of the anthracite(without plant) and the dracaena sanderiana (without substrate) are not so good.
出处 《中华纸业》 CAS 2012年第2期21-24,共4页 China Pulp & Paper Industry
基金 中国林业科学研究院新技术所专项CAFINT2009K01
关键词 人工湿地 植物 化机浆 污水处理 constructed wetlands plants chemimechanical pulping effluent treatment
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