
哈尔滨市0~3岁儿童饮食行为问题现状及影响因素分析 被引量:32

Analysis of eating behavior problems and influence factors among 0~3 years old children in Harbin
摘要 【目的】了解哈尔滨市0~3岁儿童的饮食行为问题现况及其影响因素,为进一步进行早期干预提供科学依据。【方法】整群抽取哈尔滨市四个行政区0~3岁儿童1 538人,完成《儿童饮食行为调查问卷》,包括儿童一般资料,饮食行为特点,抚养人的喂养行为以及抚养人对饮食行为问题的应对四个方面内容。【结果】哈尔滨0~3岁儿童饮食行为问题的检出率为46.6%。3岁以下的儿童更多的表现出"不良进食习惯"(χ2=13.37,P=0.004),2岁及以上儿童的"胃口差"的问题更严重(χ2=7.97,P=0.047)。儿童饮食行为问题的检出顺位结果表明,检出率由高到低依次为:"吃饭地点不固定"、"吃饭时做其他事情"、"道具辅助进食",均属于不良进食习惯。多因素分析显示,父亲学历为初中及以下的儿童更容易发生饮食行为问题;收入对于儿童饮食问题产生的影响则取决于父亲的文化程度,对于父亲教育水平为高中的儿童,家庭月收入越高,儿童发生饮食行为问题可能性越大。【结论】哈尔滨0~3岁儿童中饮食行为问题较为多见,应有针对性的进行科学的健康教育,建立良好的喂养态度和喂养方式,在以家庭、社区为中心的环境中进行合理的饮食行为干预,使儿童形成良好的饮食行为习惯。 【Objective】 To know the eating behavior problems and influence factors among 0~3 years old children in Harbin,and to provide the scientific guidelines for early intervention.【Methods】 Using cluster sampling method,1 538 children aged 0~3 years were selected to fill the questionnaires in four districts in Harbin.The contents of questionnaire included general information,characteristics of eating behavior,feeding behavior in parents and report for eating behavior problems in parents.【Results】 The prevalence rate of eating behavior problems was 46.6% among 0~3 years old children in Harbin.Children less than 3 years old behaved "wrong eating habits" more than those in other age groups(χ2=13.37,P=0.004).Children more than 2 years old behaved "poor appetite" more than those in other age groups(χ2=7.97,P=0.047).This study showed that the prevalence rates were higher in the problems of unstable eating places,doing other things while eating and eating with toys.Logistic analysis showed that children,whose father had the culture level under junior high school,had more eating behavior problems.The effect of income depended on the father's culture level.To the children whose father had culture more than high school,the higher family income was,the more eating behavior problems children had.【Conclusion】 Health education should be conducted in parents in Harbin and scientific feeding attitude and style should be established to improve good eating habits in children.
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第1期13-16,共4页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心科研项目(2010-FU-002)
关键词 饮食行为问题 影响因素 多因素LOGISTIC分析 儿童 eating behavior problems influence factors Logistic analysis children
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