
高校社区卫生服务中心管理体制和运行机制研究 被引量:5

Study on the Management System and Operation Mechanism of University Community Health Service Center
摘要 目的分析海淀区高校社区卫生服务中心管理及运行现状,提出进一步完善和发展高校社区卫生服务的政策建议。方法以海淀区18所高校社区卫生服务中心为研究对象,采用文献法、问卷调查法和访谈法收集资料,对数据进行描述性分析。结果高校社区卫生服务中心以学生和老师为主要服务对象占72.5%;研究生及以上学历占52.8%,副高级及以上职称占28.9%;全科医师占87.1%,社区护士占47.6%,公共卫生医师占91.8%,均高于北京市水平;财政及上级补助收入占45.4%;双向转诊服务高于北京市水平;均执行国家基本用药目录和北京市增补目录且零差率销售,最高达400种。结论高校社区卫生服务中心表现出鲜明的"三高"特点:一是在人员配备方面明显体现出高学历、高职称特点;二是在人员结构上呈现全科医师、社区护士和公卫医师高比例配比特点;三是来自高校和政府的财政补助收入较高。 Objective To explore the management and operation status of university community health centers(CHC) and put forward policy suggestions on their improvement and development.Methods Literature review,questionnaire survey,and interviews were employed to collect data from 18 university CHCs in Handian district,Beijing.Descriptive analysis was conducted to generate research findings.Results University CHCs mainly serve students and university employees,who accounted for 72.5% of visits.About 52.8% of their employees had a graduate degree or above.Those who having an associate-senior title and senior title accounted for 28.9%.General practitioners,community nurses,and public health physicians respectively accounted for 87.1%,47.6%,and 91.8%,which were higher than the average levels of Beijing.Financial subsidies accounted for 45.4% of total revenues.Furthermore,bilateral referral rate of Haidian was higher than the average rate of Beijing.All the university CHCs implemented the national essential medicine and zero profit drug policy.The maximum number of essential medicines was 400.Conclusion University CHCs showed the distinctive feature of "three-highs": high education degree and high professional title of their employees;high percentage of general practitioners,community nurses and public health physicians;high percentage of financial subsidies in the total revenues.
出处 《中华全科医学》 2012年第1期69-71,共3页 Chinese Journal of General Practice
基金 中国社区卫生科研基金(2010-2-5-3)
关键词 高校 社区卫生服务 管理体制 运行机制 University Community health services Management system Operation mechanism
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