1987~1989年对常春藤炭疽病的研究结果,先后在病叶与病茎中得到炭疽病菌,根据张中义《植物病原真菌学》,常春藤炭疽病病菌系:Colletotrichum trichellum(Fr.ex Fr.)Duke。该病菌主要侵染叶,病斑圆形、半圆形或不规则形,黑褐色,发病严重时造成全叶枯死,其次侵染茎,变成“黑胫”,导致整株枯死。病菌菌丝生长的适宜温度为20~30℃,最适为25℃,最高为35℃,最低为13℃,适宜pH值为4~9,最适为6.5。病菌接种,无论是有伤接种或无伤接种均能致病,对叶片的致病力比茎强。药剂防治试验表明,发病初期,连续三次喷洒75%百菌清可湿性粉剂1000倍防治效果最佳,其次是50%代森锰锌或25%培福朗各1000倍液。
This paper deals with the ivy anthracnose in Hangzhou district, during 1987~1989. It was found that ivy anthracnose is coused by Colletotrichum trichellum (Fr. ex Fr.)Duke. The pathogen can infect the leaves, stems and shoots. The spots on the diseasedleaves are round, nearly round and irregular, brown-black. The diseased leaves and stemsdied down under the serious infection. Experiments showed that the ranges of suitable tempe-rture and pH value for the growth mycelia are 20~30℃ and 4~9, and the optima 25℃ and6.5, respectively. The lowest temperature for the germination of conidia is 13℃, while thesuitable temperture 20~30℃. The disease occurs when we inoculate the leaves and the stemswith conidium suspension, whether wound or no wound inoculation. Chlorthalonil (75%) isthe best for anthracnose control. Mancozeb (50%) and befran (25%) also are more effectivefungicides for this disease.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology