
星载数据加密容错研究 被引量:1

Research on fault tolerant satellite carried data encryption schema
摘要 在空间辐射环境中,单粒子反转效应(SEU)会导致星载系统存储器逻辑位发生翻转,且无法单纯依赖硬件措施完全消除,又由于卫星通信加密设备在大多数加密模式下具有错误扩散特性,星载数据加密设备的SEU软故障会导致批量数据不可用。针对星载数据加密过程的SEU影响问题,设计了基于奇偶校验码的星载数据加密过程检错算法和基于海明码的星载数据加密过程纠错算法,该容错方案可以有效降低SEU对星载数据加密过程的影响,提高星载数据加密的可靠性。通过大量图像数据仿真实验结果表明,提出的容错方案对星载数据加密过程可靠性的提高率与位出错概率成反比,有较好的空间适应性。 In the condition of space radiation, SEU (single event upset) is a significant cause of aerospace equipment failure. SEU can reverse the logic bits in satellite carried system memory, and this kind of reversal could not be recovered simply by hardware approaches. Thus, the SEU soft fault will lead a batch of data to be damaged, since the encryption devices for satellite communication are of the characteristic of error diffusion, in most encryption modes. For coping with the SEU effects problem, this paper aims at developing a reliable satellite carried data eneryption schema, which is fault tolerant. To achieve this goal, it designs both the parity check code based error detection algorithm and hamming codes based error correction algorithm. Both of them are implemented in the procedure of satellite carried data eneryption. This fault tolerant schema can dramatically reduce the SEU effects on satellite carried data encryption, hereby, higher reliability of data encryption is gained. A large amount of image data simulations demonstrate that, the fault tolerant schema can improve the reliability of satellite data encryption by several orders of magnitude, and it is spatially adaptive.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期51-55,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 中国科学院创新基金项目(CXJJ-09-S03)
关键词 单粒子翻转效应 星载数据 数据加密 数据容错 加密容错仿真 SEU on-board data encrypt fault tolerant cryptographie fault-tolerant simulation
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