目的分析新津县甲、乙、丙类传染病流行特征及变化趋势,为做好疫情预警监测和传染病防控措施提供科学依据。方法用描述性流行病学方法对新津县2006-2010年法定报告传染病疫情资料进行统计分析。结果新津县2006-2010年无甲类传染病报告;报告乙类传染病14种2 711例,死亡18例,年均发病率为189.38/10万,死亡率1.26/10万,病死率0.66%,发病居前3位的依次为乙肝、肺结核和淋病;各类传染病构成为血液及性传播疾病占63.96%、呼吸道传染病占28.29%、肠道传染病占7.37%、自然疫源性疾病占0.37%;死亡居前3位的依次为艾滋病、狂犬病和肺结核。报告丙类传染病6种1 156例,无死亡病例,年均发病率为80.76/10万;发病居前3位的依次为感染性腹泻、手足口病(2008-05-02列入丙类传染病统计报告)和流行性腮腺炎。结论预防和控制血液及性传播疾病、呼吸道传染病、肠道传染病是新津县今后传染病防治工作重点。
Objective To analyze the characteristics of prevalence and change trend of class A,B and C infectious diseases in Xinjin county,provide scientific evidence for prevention and prediction of the epidemic.Methods The descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze the epidemic data of notifiable infectious diseases in Xinjin from 2006 to 2010.Results There was no class A infectious disease reported during 2006-2010 in Xinjin county.Totally 2711 cases of class B infectious diseases from 14 categories were reported,with 18 deaths.The annual incidence was 189.38/105,death rate was 1.26/105,mortality was 0.66%.The most frequently reported diseases included HBV,TB,Gonorrhea.Among all infectious diseases,blood and sexually transmitted diseases accounted for 63.96%,respiratory diseases accounted for 28.29%,intestinal infectious diseases accounted for 7.37%,natural focal disease accounted for 0.37%.The top 3 death causes were AIDS,rabies and tuberculosis.Totally 1 156 cases of class C infectious diseases from 6 categories were reported,with none death.The annual incidence was 80.76/105.The most frequently reported diseases included infectious diarrhea,hand-foot-mouth disease(included into class C Infectious Diseases in May 2nd,2008),and mumps.Conclusion The prevention and control of haemal-sexual transmitted disease,respiratory infection disease and intestinal infection disease is the emphases of the future work in Xinjin county.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
infectious disease