Soil palynology and micropaleontology in low land paddy fields at 8 sites near Kanshan had been studied by the determinations of the spore-pollen and micropaleontological fossils. Four combinations of spore-pollen were found in 9 soil samples collected at a depth of 60 cm beneath the fields respectively. These combinations were as follows: 1 ) Chenopodiaceae-Quercus glauca-Quercus acutissima-Pinus; 2 ) Chenopodiaceae-Quercus glauca-Quercus acutissima-Graminceae; 3 ) Cerato-pteris-Quercus glauco-Quercus acutissima; 4 ) Quercus acutissima-Quercus glauca-Potamogeto-naceae and Potamogetonaceae-Quercus glauca-Sparganium. In some soil samples, a variety of Ammonia beccarii var. was found to be predoninant in the micropaleontological fossils. It is, therefore, suggested that the Kanshan region had undergone a palaeographical environmental evolution of the bay-lagoon-fresh-waterlakes and marshes-plain, ever since 7000 years ago.
Kanshan of zhejiang province
Soil palynology
micropaleontological fossils
environment evolution