The experiment revealed that these extra early-maturing varieties, such as Xiushui 37, had similar response to light and temperature as late japonicas, and similar growth period duration to medium japonicas, belonging to the new type of late japonicas. With the young seedling age ( 20-25 days, 5 leaves ) and short seedling height ( 25 cm ) , these varieties should be transplanted shallowly to promote the root development and to prevent the seedling fron aborting. Meanwhile, they had elastic seedling ages, enduring the late transplantation, and they got early and stable full heading stage(Sep. 18-22). 0.4-1.l more tillering nodes were observed compared with late japonicas. with the short and compact plant, these varieties could fully utilize the light energy. 500 kg/mu yields were achieved with early transplantation, and 596 increase of yields compared with late japonicas with late transplantation in three years. The paper also discussed the suitable culture techniques for these extra early-maturing varieties.
Xiushui 37
young seedling age variety
extra-early-maturing late japonieas