以二棱大麦(Hordeum distichum L.)9个品种进行半双列杂交,分析了麦芽浸出率、糖化力、α-淀粉酶活力和库尔巴哈值等麦芽品质性状的杂种优势,遗传效应和性状间的相关关系。麦芽品质性状的杂种优势因组合和性状而异,一般配合力和特殊配合力都极显著,浙皮1号和甘木二条多数性状的一般配合力较高。各性状的加性遗传方差均显苦大于显性方差,狭义遗传力较高(52.31~87.37%)。在9个亲本中,糖化力的显性基因起减值作用,其它3个性状的显性基因作用方向不一致。 麦芽浸出率与α-淀粉酶活力、库尔巴哈值呈极显著正相关,但与糖化力、籽粒长宽比和皮壳率呈极显著负相关,麦芽品质性状与籽粒蛋白质含量相关密切,与产量性状以无相关和对选择有利的相关量多。
A nine-parent diallel cross,excluding reciprocal cross,of two-rowed barley(Hordeum dislichum L. ) was conducted for four malting quality traits-malt extract, diastatic power,α-amyl-asc activity, kolbach index to investigate heterosis, genetic effect and genetic correlation. The results showed ( 1) The heterosis of malting quality traits varied with crosses and traits. (2) Variance associated with general and specific combining ability was 'highly significant for every trait. 'Zhepi No.1' and 'Amagi Nijo' showed good general combining ability for most traits. (3) Additive genetic variances ( D ) were significantly greater than dominant ones ( H1 ) for all malting quality traits, which resulted in those traits had higher narrow-Sense heritabilitieS ( 52.31-87.87% ) . The dominant genes for diastatic power showed negative effects, while those of other traits showed ambidirectional ones among nine parents. (4 ) The malt extract had highly positive genotypic correlations with α-amylase activity -md kolbach index, but negative correlations with diastatic power, kernel length/kernel width, and hull weight ( % ) . All four malting quality traits were closely associated with kernel protein content, showing more little and positive correlations than negative ones with yield traits.
Hordeum distichum
malting quality
diallel analysis
genetic correlation