
乳化盐及加工条件对再制干酪质地及理化特性的影响 被引量:2

Effects of Emulsifying Salts and Processing Conditions on the Textural and Functional Properties of Processed Cheese
摘要 研究乳化盐及加工条件对再制干酪质地及理化特性的影响。结果表明,增加乳化盐的用量、融化温度和延长搅拌时间明显降低了再制干酪的融化性(p<0.01),不同种类乳化盐在相同添加水平下,制得样品的融化性:焦磷酸钠>磷酸氢二钠>柠檬酸钠;增加乳化盐的用量和延长搅拌时间制得的样品硬度显著增加、黏着性显著减小(p<0.01),提高融化温度制得的样品硬度增加,但其黏着性差异不显著(p>0.01)。在添加量相同的情况下,柠檬酸钠制得样品的硬度和黏着性最大,焦磷酸钠使样品的硬度和黏着性最小。 The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of several types of emulsifying salts(ES) and processing conditions on the textural properties of process cheese made from cheese.With the increasing of addition amount of ES,cooking temperature,cooking time,there is a significant decreased of meltability of processed cheese(p0.01).The meltability of processed cheese(which the same amount ES): trisodium pyrophosphatedisodium phosphatetrisodium citrate.With the increasing of addition amount of ES and cooking time,there is a significant increase of hardness of processed cheese,and is a significant decrease of adhesiveness of processed cheese(p0.01).The influence of cooking temperature on the adhesiveness of processed cheese is non-significant(p0.01).The maximum and minimum hardness and adhesiveness value of processed cheese(which the same amount of ES) is the sample made from trisodium citrate,and the sample made from trisodium pyrophosphate,respectively.
出处 《包装与食品机械》 CAS 2011年第6期9-13,共5页 Packaging and Food Machinery
基金 科技部科技人员服务企业行动项目(2009GJB20010) "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD09B02)
关键词 再制干酪 乳化盐 加工条件 质地 processed cheese emulsifying salts processing conditions textural properties
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