Based on the Logistic model according to the Logistic,select by examinations the Chinese manufacturing industry listed company to be the sample to carry on the research to the finance crisis estimate.From the profit ability of the business enterprise,operate ability,repay debt the ability and grow up the ability,the cash discharge...etc.to set out,select by examinations 10 index signs with early-warning finance,pass by back to return the analysis the clean discharge of a total property rate of return,total property rate of turnover,property liabilities rate,main camp business growth rate,the management movable cash takes place to the listed company to five finance index signs of ratio of the liabilities the finance crisis contain important influence.Puting forward ample and several aspects that want to be from the exaltation profit ability and promoted the operation ability,strengthenning the ability of repay debt,raised the ability of grow up and guaranteed the cash to flow to reply the finance crisis.
Economic Research Guide