

The DEM Watermarking Based on the Relation Matrix of Wavelets Coefficients
摘要 提出一种基于Hash函数、小波变换和相对小波系数相对模糊关系的三维地形数据数字水印算法。该算法拓展了视觉系统小波域量化噪声的视觉权重分析方法使其能应用于三维地形数据。并且通过自适应的构造模糊关系矩阵,在水印的提取过程中实现了盲检测。本方法与经典的密码理论以及高级加密算法相结合,嵌入三维水印的DEM数据和没有嵌入水印的DEM数据在视觉上是没有差别的。算法隐蔽性好,鲁棒性强,是一种有效的三维DEM数据版权保护方法。 In this paper, a DEM watermarking arithmetic is proposed which is based on the Hash function, wavelets and wavelets coefficient fuzzy relation. The algorithm extends the visual system of quantization noise in wavelet domain analysis of visual weight, so it can be used in DEM data. The matrix of fuzzy relation is image-adaptive, and this watermarking is a kind of blind watermarking. The watermarking combines with classical cryptology arithmetic. DEM data embedded Watermark and no embedded are no difference in visible. The watermarking is non perceptible and safety, so it is effective method to protectDEM data.
出处 《模糊系统与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期162-168,共7页 Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20100470059)
关键词 模糊关系DEM数据 数字水印 Fuzzy Relation l Wavelets with Parameter Digital Watermarking
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