以行人早開時相為切入點,嘗試讓部分行人流能夠安全地通過路口之人車衝突區域,以兼顧安全與效率。為了充分了解人車特性,針對行人步行速率,行人起動延滯與車輛右轉與行人衝突之特性進行研究調查。另外為了瞭解在實施行人早開時相之過程中,不同早開長度影響衝突行人數多寡,故以行人在行人穿越道之擴散模式為基礎,推估綠燈時間行人穿越道衝突區衝突行人數之預測模式,以充分掌握行人可能受車輛衝突之狀況。在個案研究中,以成本之概念將延滯與衝突統一單位進行比較,發現行人早開時相在行人流每小時1 000人以下之情境下,較行人專用時相之成本低。而在車流量接近道路容量的情形下,不適合使用長度較長之行人早開時相或行人專用時相,建議採用較短(4s)之行人早開時相。右轉轉向比小於0.1時,行人早開時相運作成本較低。當右轉比大於0.1時,由於右轉車輛將嚴重與行人流衝突,使得人車衝突成本增高,行人專用時相因無人車衝突成本,故適用於此情境。而在多車道環境下需採用行人早開控制,且右轉比小於0.4時,建議可以採用獨立之右轉專用車道與右轉專用號誌時相,以減少直行車無謂之延滯。
This study, based on leading pedestrian interval (LPI), tries to make part of the pedestrian flow safely through the intersection of the conflict zone by taking the safety and efficiency into account. In the case studies, the paper finds out that the LPI is useful when there are less than 1000 per hour on the crosswalk, and the cost of LPI is lower than pedestrian phase. When the traffic is close to the road capacity in the case, it is not suitable for long length LPI or pedes trian phase. In this case, a shorter (4 seconds) LPI for pedestrian is recommended. When the right turning ratio is less than 0.1, the LPI will lower operating costs. When the right turning ratio is greater than 0.1, there will be a serious conflict for the right turning vehicles with the pedestrian flow, which makes the costs of conflict higher. It is applicable to pedestrian phase due to the low cost of conflict. In the multi lane environments the use of LPI control is required. When the right turning ratio of less than 0.4, the exclusive right turning lanes and exclusive right turning signal phase can he used in order to reduce unnecessary travel delay.
Journal of Transport Information and Safety
leading pedestrian interval
pedestrian phase
pedestrian diffusion
conflict between vehicles and pedestrians
delay cost