
电针三阴交穴和血海穴对实验性类痛经大鼠痛调节机制的影响 被引量:18

Effect of Pain Modulatory System with Electroacupuncture "Sanyinjiao","Xuehai" on Experimental Dysmenorrhea Model Rats
摘要 目的:通过观察电针同一经脉上的同神经节段支配的不同属性穴位对大鼠实验性类痛经反应和中枢痛觉调制系统内阿片肽类物质的影响,探讨经穴效应是否存在特异性。方法:动情间期3月龄SD雌性大鼠64只,随机分为盐水组、模型组、三阴交组、血海组,每组16只。除盐水组外,其余各组大鼠均以苯甲酸雌二醇和缩宫素制备类痛经大鼠模型。模型制备后,给予穴位组即刻电针。随即观察大鼠的扭体反应,并应用免疫组化法和ELISA法分别检测大鼠相应节段脊髓背角浅层κ-受体的表达和PAG内ENK、β-EP的含量。结果:模型制备后,大鼠扭体潜伏期明显缩短,扭体次数和评分明显增加(P<0.01)。电针两穴后,扭体评分和次数均明显减少(P<0.01),且电针三阴交穴扭体潜伏期明显延长(P<0.05);电针三阴交和血海穴可使各节段脊髓背角浅层κ-受体均有明显表达(P<0.05,P<0.01);但电针三阴交穴的L2、S1节段IOD值比血海穴明显升高(P<0.01,P<0.05);电针三阴交穴可使PAG内ENK和β-EP(P<0.01)含量明显升高。结论:电针同一经脉上的同神经节段支配的不同属性穴位均可缓解大鼠的类痛经反应,并可调节中枢痛觉调制系统内的阿片肽类物质的含量。但穴位属性不同。调节效应不同。特定穴的调节效应优于非特定穴。说明经穴效应具有相对特异性。 Objective:To explore whether the specificity of acupoint effects exists by research the effect on expression of κ-opioid receptor in cornu dorsale medullae spinals of different segments and contents of ENK,β-EP in the periaqueductal gray(PAG) of midbrain of experimental dysmenorrhea model rats with electroacupuncture(EA) acupoints of different property innervated by the same nerve segment.Methods: 64 female SD rats were randomized into saline control group,model control group,EA "Sanyinjiao"(SP6) and "XueHai"(SP10) groups with 16 rats in each group.Except saline control group,the remaining groups were given consecutive subcutaneous injection of estradiol benzoate for 10 days.1h after the last administration,intraperitoneal injection of oxytocin each rat to create experimental dysmenorrhea rat model,saline control group gave the same dose of saline per day.On the 10th day,except saline control group and model control group,the remaining groups were given EA.Immediately,observing pain response-writhing response,and then detecting the expression of κ-opioid receptor in T13,L1,L2,L6,S1 segments by immunohistochemical staining and the content of ENK,β-EP in PAG by ELISA.Results: ①Writhing response: Compared with the saline control group,writhing latency of model control group was significantly shortened and writhing time and writhing score of model control group were significantly increased(P0.01).Compared with the model group,writhing latency of EA "Sanyinjiao" group was significantly prolonged(P0.05);Writhing score and writhing time decreased significantly in each group(P0.01).②Expression of κ-opioid receptor in cornu dorsale medullae spinals: Compared with the model group,the IOD of each segment increased significantly in EA "Sanyinjiao" and "Xuehai" group(P0.05,P0.01);The IOD of L2 and S1 segment increased significantly in EA "Sanyinjiao" group compared with in EA "Xuehai" group(P0.01,P0.05).③Contents of ENK,β-EP in PAG: Compared with the model group,the contents of ENK,β-EP increased significantly in EA "Sanyinjian" group(P0.01).Conclusion: Experimental dysmenorrhea reaction can be alleviated by electroacupuncture of different property innervated by the same nerve segment in rats,and the effect of analgesia can be induced by adjusting the content of endogenous alleviation in central nervous system.but the level of EA analgesia is different by electroacupuncture different points.The effect of special acupoint is better than that of nonspecial acupoint.All of these show the existence of relative specificity of acupoint effect.
出处 《中医药学报》 CAS 2011年第6期15-20,共6页 Acta Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划"973"计划资助项目(No.2012CB518506) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.30973793) 国家中医药管理局针灸特色疗法评价重点研究室
关键词 穴位特异性 针刺镇痛 阿片肽 痛经 Specificity of acupoint effects Acupuncture analgesia Endogenous opiate peptide Dysenorrhea
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