
100Hz级脉冲管制冷机整机特性研究 被引量:2

Characterization of a 100 Hz Pulse Tube Cooler Driven by a Linear Compressor
摘要 脉冲管制冷机在更高频率下操作有利于系统体积的减小,同时也提高了能量的密度。本文首先介绍了直线压缩机驱动直线型脉冲管制冷机的整机计算模型,对于惯性管进行了湍流修正后的阻抗相位分析,结果表明频率越高,湍流影响越小。在100Hz下,整机取得了12.4 W的制冷量,冷头温度到达31.8 K,整机相对卡诺效率18.4%,已经十分接近于30~60 Hz下的脉冲管制冷机性能。实验结果同时表明频率对制冷机及压缩机性能均有明显的影响。 For a high frequency pulse tube cooler driven by linear compressor, a higher frequency could lead to a compacter system and a higher specific power. This article introduces the theoretical model which considers both the compressor and pulse tube cooler. The numerical results indicate that the turbulence influence on inertance tube phase get smaller as the frequency increases. By operating around at 100 Hz, the cooler achieved a no-load cold-head temperature of 31.8 K and cooling power of 12.4 W at 77 K, which achieved a similar cooling performance as the frequency between 30 Hz and 60 Hz. The experimental results indicate the operating frequency not only affects the performance of cooler but also change the compressor efficiency.
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期195-198,共4页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.50890181 No.N010874190) 国家基础研究计划项目(No.2010CB22730)
关键词 直线压缩机 脉冲管制冷机 耦合 高频 linear compressor pulse tube cooler coupling mechanism high frequency
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