Originated from the due process provided in American Constitution, the substantive dimension of the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime actually developed in Japan, the country being greatly influenced by American Constitution, after the World War II. During the practice of constitutionalism in the US, the due process had experienced the process from procedural to substantive connotations. In China, we have also experienced a process from one in which few has had knowledge of the principle to one that the principle has become widely accepted. The shaping of the substantive dimension of the principle, thus, is the natural development of history, rather than a man-made division of the concept. The substantive dimension of the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime prohibits punishment for act that does not deserve the punishment. Though both doctrines of substantive and formal interpretations can meet the requirement of appropriateness of the substantive connotation of the principle, yet the process of decriminalization of substantive interpretation can play a much better role in determining the limits of constructive conditions and is in conformity with the function and
Global Law Review