用户接入的最后100 m方案,目前应用最多的解决方案为Ethernet Over Coax技术,即EoC同轴宽带系统,它采用频分复用技术,对同一根同轴电缆通过频率分割,将以太数据信号IP DATA和有线电视信号TV RF在同一根同轴电缆里传输,现有多种技术应用于EoC中,如MoCA、WiFi、HPNA、HomePlug等技术,简单分析HomePlug在EoC技术中的应用。
The last 100 meters the user access to the program,currently the most widely used solution for Ethernet Over Coax technology that EoC coaxial broadband system,which is the IP DATA data signals will be too,and cable TV RF signal using frequency division multiplexing technology,with a coaxial cable via frequency division,the two signals transmitted over the same coaxial cable.Existing technology in a variety of EoC,such as: MoCA,WIFI,HPNA,HomePlug technology,this paper HomePlug technology application in the EoC to make a simple analysis.
China Digital Cable TV