
本土技术转移与国际技术转移效应的比较——基于省际数据的空间计量分析 被引量:10

A Comparative Study on the Effect of Local Technology Transfer and International Technology Transfer——Based on Spatial Econometric Analysis of Provincial Data
摘要 技术转移与技术效率增长之间存在密切关系。文章首先应用SFA方法测度了2003~2008年的中国技术效率;其次,运用空间计量方法研究了技术转移与技术效率增长之间的关系。实证分析表明,中国地区间的技术效率在2003~2008年具有明显的空间相关性;技术转移对中国技术效率有着显著的正向影响。就整个宏观层面来看,FDI带来的技术效率提高最明显,这与FDI所带动的技术扩散溢出、制度创新密切相关;虽然国外技术直接引进对技术效率的影响在多数年份超过国内技术市场的影响,但是,近几年国内技术市场对技术效率的影响明显提高。就各地区来看,东部地区的国外直接技术引进对提升其技术效率效果最明显,而中西部地区的FDI技术转移对其技术效率提升效果最为明显。 Technology transfer and technical efficiency growth are closely related, This paper first measures technical efficiency with SFA methods using Chinese data from between 2003 and 2008, and then studies the relationship between technology transfer and technical efficiency growth using the method of spatial econometrics. Empirical analysis shows that between 2003 and 2008, there was a significant spatial correlation on regional technical efficiency in China, and technology transfer had a significant positive effect on technical efficiency. On the macro level, the most obvious improvement in technical efficiency comes from FDI, since technical efficiency has a close relationship with the technology overflow and institutional innovation brought about by FDI. The introduction of foreign technology has a much more direct impact on technical efficiency than the domestic technology market does in most years, but the impact of the domestic technology market on technical efficiency in recent years has increased significantly. From the perspective on the various regions, in the east, the direct introduction of foreign technology has had the most significant effect on technical efficiency; but in the central and western regions, FDI has the most significant effect on technical efficiency.
作者 韩晶
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期195-202,210,共9页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
基金 国家社科基金项目"国际产业分工转移与中国装备制造业发展战略研究"(项目编号:10CGL022) 中国地质大学开放基金重点项目"基于循环经济的生态产业园区规划与管理研究"
关键词 本土技术转移 国际技术转移 技术效率 随机前沿分析 空间计量 Local Technology Transfer International Technology Transfer Technology Efficiency SFA Spatial Econometric Analysis
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