
青少年受欺负与抑郁的关系 被引量:37

The Relationship Between Victimization and Depression of Adolescents
摘要 为进一步探讨青少年受欺负与抑郁之间的关系,采用流调中心用抑郁量表(CES-D)和Olweus儿童欺负问卷(初中版)调查了城市初中生1485人(男生783人,女生702人)。结果表明:(1)受言语欺负的被试抑郁得分显著高于未受言语欺负的被试,受关系欺负的被试抑郁得分显著高于未受关系欺负的被试,受身体欺负的被试抑郁得分显著高于未受身体欺负的被试;(2)是否受关系欺负与是否受身体欺负之间存在显著的交互作用,具体来讲,对于未受关系欺负的被试组,受身体欺负和未受身体欺负的被试在抑郁得分上不存在显著差异,对于受关系欺负的被试组,受身体欺负的被试在抑郁得分上显著高于未受身体欺负的被试;(3)受欺负线性模型得到验证,即随着累积受欺负数量的增多,抑郁程度会呈现出线性函数的上升趋势。 1485 adolescents from urban junior high schools (boys, 783; girls, 702) completed the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire during school hours, in order to explore the relation of peer victimization to depression. The results indicated that: (1) Adolescents experiencing any form of verbal, relational or physical victimization from peers reported significantly higher level of depression than those without such experience; (2) A significant effect of interaction between adolescent status of being relationally victimized and status of being physically victimized on adolescent depression, such that those also experiencing physical victimization reported significantly higher level of depression than adolescents without such experience. However, among adolescents not experiencing relational victimization such a difference in depression did not exist between adolescents who reported being physically victimized and those did not; (3) With the increase of events of victimization, the level of adolescent depression increased by linear trends.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期77-82,共6页 Psychological Development and Education
关键词 青少年 受欺负 受欺负线性模型 抑郁 adolescents victimization linear model of victimization depression
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