
一种高效的RC-LDPC编码IR-HARQ方案 被引量:1

High Spectrual Efficiency RC-LDPC Coded IR-HARQ Scheme
摘要 针对RC-LDPC码编码的自适应增余型重传(IR-HARQ)系统,构造了码率范围从0.1到0.9,码率间隔为0.1的速率匹配低密度奇偶校验(RC-LDPC)码族,并基于多载波链路预测的互信息(MI)模型,准确预测了系统最少应重传的校验码元数,可以根据每次传输的信道状况采用不同的调制方式,能在很宽的信噪比范围内提高系统信息传输的有效性。 To improve the speetrual efficiency of incremental redundancy scheme, a rate compatible LDPC code family is proposed, of which the coding rate ranged from 0. 1 to 0. 9, and the granularity is 0. 1. Based on the mutual information model, which is an accurate multi-carrier link error prediction method, the minimum retransmission symbols to satisfy the reliability requirement is predicted accurately, furthermore different modulation modes are allowed. The spectrual efficiency is improved significantly in a wide range of signal-to-noise ratio.
作者 陈翔 姜晖
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2012年第3期121-124,共4页 Video Engineering
关键词 低密度奇偶校验码 互信息模型 速率匹配 自适应增余型重传 low-density parity check code mutual information model rate compatible incremental redundancy
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