
人工气管及气管支架材料的应用 被引量:5

Application of tracheal prosthesis and tracheal scaffold
摘要 背景:以往对中心气道狭窄常采取外科手术治疗,然而,有些患者无法接受,并且手术瘢痕可导致再狭窄。因此,支架置入成为治疗中心气道狭窄的重要手段之一。目的:总结人工气管及气管支架材料在临床中的应用进展。方法:应用计算机检索PubMed数据库及CNKI数据库,在标题和摘要中以"组织工程支架,人工气管,气管支架"或"tissue engineering scaffolds,artificial trachea,trachea scaffolds"为检索词进行检索。根据纳入标准选择22篇文献进行综述。结果与结论:近年来随着组织工程学的兴起和发展,在生物组织工程化气管的研究方面取得了一定的进展,目前已能够以软骨细胞或骨髓间质细胞为种子细胞构建出与自体气管相近的组织工程化气管,而且能够用软骨细胞及上皮细胞构建出带有气管黏膜上皮的复合组织工程化气管,但这些组织工程化气管移植到体内能否长期具有活性、发挥正常的生理功能等还需要进一步的实验验证。 BACKGROUND:Central airway stenosis is often treated by surgery in the past.However,some patients are not qualified for surgery,and the operation scar may lead to airway restenosis.Therefore,stent implantation becomes one of the most important means to cure central airway stenosis.OBJECTIVE:To summarize the clinical application progress of tracheal prosthesis and tracheal scaffold.METHODS:An online search of PubMed database and CNKI was performed by title-and-summary search method for relevant articles,using keywords of "tissue engineering scaffolds,artificial trachea,trachea scaffolds" in English and Chinese respectively.A total of 22 articles were retained according to inclusion criteria.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:With the popularization and development of tissue engineering in recent years,research on biological tissue-engineered trachea achieved some progress.At present,tissue-engineered trachea similar to autologous trachea can be constructed using chondrocytes or bone marrow stromal cells as seed cells.Composite tissue-engineered trachea with tracheal mucosal epithelium can be constructed using chondrocytes and epithelial cells.But the long-term activities and psychological functions of tissue-engineered tracheas transplanted in vivo remain to be seen in further experiments.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第51期9651-9654,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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