目的:探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor,bFGF)缓释系统加速兔下颌骨骨折愈合的作用和机理。方法:采用32只成年新西兰兔制备下颌骨线形骨折模型,实验组骨折处分别覆盖bFGF/胶原复合膜和bFGF/藻酸钙凝胶,对照组仅涂布50μg bFGF,空白对照组未加任何生长因子和缓释系统。术后2、4、8、12周行组织学和免疫组化检查。结果:bFGF缓释系统实验组骨折处新骨形成明显快于对照组,bFGF在骨折愈合8周后仍有高强度表达,骨折区有大量血管生成;空白对照组2周时bFGF有较弱的表达,4周后bFGF的表达不明显。bFGF/胶原复合膜组和bFGF/藻酸钙凝胶组实验组间成骨速度、血管形成量和bFGF的表达情况无显著差异,胶原的降解速度快于藻酸钙凝胶。结论:bFGF缓释系统能在骨折愈合期间持续释放bFGF生长因子,并加快下颌骨骨折的愈合速度,缩短骨折临床愈合时间,具有理想的临床应用前景。
Objective: To investigate the mechanism of basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF) delivery system to accelerate the healing of mandibular fracture.Methods: The mandibular fractures models of 32 mature New Zealand rabbits were fabricated.Composite collagen film of bFGF and composite alga calcium gel of bFGF were used in the study group.50μg bFGF was used in the control group,and neither growth factor nor delivery system was added in the blank control group.Bone growth,exogenous bFGF,neovascules was observed and analyzed 2,4,8,12 weeks after surgery by histomorphometry and immunohistochemistry.Results: The rate of mandibular fracture healing in study group was apparently faster than control group.In study group,bFGF expressed high intensity after 8 weeks,and large amount of vassals were formed in fracture area.After 2 weeks there was weak bFGF expression in the control group and the bFGF expression was not obvious after 4 weeks.The new bone mass,angiogenesis and bFGF expression was not significant different between bFGF / collagen composite membrane group and bFGF / alginate calcium gel group.The deformation rate of collagen was faster than alginate calcium gel.Conclusion: bFGF delivery system could promote the healing rate of mandibular fracture and release bFGF continuously during the healing period of bone fracture.bFGF delivery system was prospective for its controllable and improved clinical effects.
Journal of Oral Science Research