铜片与浓硫酸(d=1.84)在加热条件下反应生成的黑色物质的成份,经化学热力学的理论变温跟踪计算和 X—射线衍射实验验证表明:373K 以前为硫化物(CuS、Cu_2S);373K 以后有氧化物(Cu_2O、CuO)生成可能,一般加热条件下,应为硫化物和氧化物的混合物,比例视温度条件变化而异。
By means of chemico-thermodynamic calculations and X-ray experiments, the authors find that the constituents of black substances,formed by the reaction of cupric wafer to sulfwric acid(d=1.84),are CuS and Cu_2S at temperatures below 373K,and may be CuO and Cu_2O at above 373K.Under ordinary heating conditions,the product should be a mixture of sulfides and oxides.