Objective To investigate the effect of once yearly zoledronie acid of 5 mg on post- menopausal women with osteoporosis uf different causes. Methods From October 2009 to Dee.ember 2009. a total of 89 postnlenopattsal women with osteoporosis were enrolled and assigned into 2 grnups. There were 45 cases of primal postmenopausal osteoporosis, including 27 eases of fresh fi'acture, in group A. They were aged from 47 to 83 years, with an average of 63.7 years. There were 44 eases of seeondat7 pnst- menopausal osteoporosis, including 28 c, ases of fresh fi'aeture, in group B. All patients were given a single 30-minnte intravenous injection of zoledronie acid (5 rag), supplemented bv 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamfll D of 0.25 IJ-g and calcium of 600 mg with VitD125 IU daily. At pre-intervention and 12 months after intervention re- spectively, bone mineral density (BMD) was nteasured by dual-X-ray at)surptiometry (DXA) at the lumbar spine and hip. and a balance test(Sunlight Tetrax- Ⅱ) was performed to evahmte the risk of falling, intervention eom- plianee of the patients and adverse events related to zoledronie acid infusion were observed. Results All cases of fresh fraeture healed well at 3-month follow-up. At 12 months, 43 subjects in group A anti 42 st,bjeets in group B completed the follow-up. In group A, BMD increased by 5.8% at the lumbar spine, by 2, 9% at the femoral neck, by 5.2% at the Words area, by 5.3% at the greater troehanter and l)y 3.9% at the total hip while the risk of falling decreased by 26. 1% : in group B, BMD increased bv by 3.4% at the lumbar spine, by 2. 1% at the femoral neck, by 3.2% at the Words area, by 3.0% at the greater troehanter and by 2.5% at the total hip while the risk of fillling decreased by 21.8%. The differences between pre-intervention and post-intervention were significant in both groups (P 〈 0.05). No intolerable adverse events oeeurred in both groups except that one new fracture happened in each group but responded to conservative treatment. Conclusion A once-yearly infnsion of zoledronie arid of 5 mg is a convenient and effective therapy for treatment of usteoporosis in poshnenopausal women.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
Osteoporosis, postmenopausal: Fractures: Bone densily:Risk of falling