
从霍布斯状态到永久和平——康德宗教哲学中的伦理共同体思想 被引量:3

From the Hobbesian State to Perpetual Peace——The Thoughts of the Ethical Community in Kant's Philosophy of Religion
摘要 康德认为,霍布斯所设想的"人人相互为敌"的自然状态不仅存在于政治领域,在道德领域同样存在。为了人这个族类的道德、幸福及至善的实现,个体的人在完善自我道德的同时,整个人类应该走出自然状态,走向道德和解,最终实现永久和平。这个永久和平的方式便是伦理共同体。伦理共同体是联结康德道德哲学和宗教哲学的重要思想。 Kant thinks that Hobbesian assumption of the state of nature, "a war of all against all", not only suits the political realm, but also the moral realm. In order to achieve morality, happiness and the highest good of human race, having consummated the self morality of the individual, the human race must walk out of the natural state, then walk up to perpetual peace. The modality of perpetual peace is just the ethical community. It is the thoughts of this kind of community that joint Kant's moral philosophy and philosophy of religion.
作者 高明
出处 《甘肃理论学刊》 CSSCI 2012年第1期104-108,127,共6页 Gansu Theory Research
关键词 康德 宗教哲学 霍布斯 自然状态 伦理共同体 Kant Hobbes State of Nature Ethical Community
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