
主要农作物转基因飘流频率和距离的数据调研与分析Ⅳ.玉米 被引量:6

Data Survey and Analysis of the Transgene Flow Frequencies and Distances in Major Crops Ⅳ.Maize
摘要 近20年来,转基因玉米的研发迅猛发展,已成为第二大商业化种植的转基因作物,与此同时,玉米基因飘流和异交率的研究也得到相应发展。归纳目前国际上积累的数据,由于玉米花粉粒较大较重,84%~92%的花粉沉积在5 m以内。基因飘流率小于0.1%的阈值距离为100~119 m。在大面积转基因玉米与非转基因玉米共存情况下,0.1%的阈值距离为80 m。 Along with the rapid development of transgenic maize in recent two decades, maize has become the second largest transgenic crop worldwide. Parallelly, the research on maize gene flow and out-crossing has also been strongly promoted. It is known that 84% - 92% of pollen grains deposited within 5 m from donor plant due to the maize pollen grains are relatively large and heavy. Based on the accumulated international data on transgene flow in maize, the maximum distance of transgene flow at a threshold value of 0.1% ( MTD0.1% ) is to be 100 - 119 m. In order to study the co-existence of transgenic and non-transgenic maize after the large scale commercialization of transgenic maize, scientists have collected samples from non-transgenic maize surrounding the transgenic maize planting area. The data has shown that the MTD0.1% is 80 m.
出处 《中国农业科技导报》 CAS CSCD 2011年第6期27-32,共6页 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
基金 国家转基因重大专项(2009ZX08012-019B)资助
关键词 玉米 基因飘流 阈值距离 maize gene flow threshold distance
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