Driven by high cotton prices,China’s chemical fiber industry saw a big harvest last year,and especially the polyester industry entered a 'golden period'.However,since the beginning of 2011,the polyester industry which plays a leading role in chemical fiber industry has been facing new challenges affected by macro policies and economies at home and abroad.PTA,the main raw material of polyester,said goodbye to extravagant profits in September this year,thus the profit margin returned to rationality.
Driven by high cotton prices, China's chemical fiber industry saw a big harvest last year, and especially the polyester industry entered a "golden period". However, since the beginning of 2011, the polyester industry which plays a leading role in chemical fiber industry has been facing new challenges affected by macro policies and economies at home and abroad. PTA, the main raw material of polyester, said goodbye to extravagant profits in September this year, thus the profit margin returned to rationality.