Africa is a key to the globalization of China,however it also comes with many problems.If we do not re-examine how we conduct ourselves there,come ten years from now,we may end up missing out on quite a few opportunities. China has become Africa's largest trading partner.In 2010,trade volume between China and Africa reached 126.7 billion USD,that's 158 times the amount from twenty years ago.As to how many Chinese people are living in Africa,while no one institution can give an authoritative number,even the most conservative estimates put the number over 2 million.One company we interviewed said that they handle over 8000 working permits for Africa a year. China needs Africa,just like Africa needs China.Since the beginning of this century China has become a 'resource hungry animal',meanwhile the global production industry is continuing to look for a new low-cost place to set up shop.Africa is one of the last continents left in the world that can satisfy these two requirements.However, Africa is a place of constant change and Chinese enterprises will need to look at things from a dynamic perspective as well as having enough patience.
China Entrepreneur