
刑事政策视角下的永城经验研究 被引量:3

Criminal Policy Perspective on Yong Cheng Experience
摘要 河南省永城市经过三年多改革创新,社会治安明显好转,引起了学界的普遍关注。永城经验是什么?永城经验是否具有可复制性和可持续性?犯罪学教授专家团队为此进行了实地调研。结论是:永城经验的核心是区域特点定位准确条件下的治安手段管理创新;观念变革先行推动社会治安管理创新;建立以"治安卡口堵控网"为主要特色的立体治安防控网络体系;推进警务机制改革,向管理要警力;争取财政投入,迅速推进"科技强警;"构建新型警民关系等。永城经验既有地域的特殊性,也有跨区域的普遍性,为全国社会治安管理创新提供了新思路。而进一步探索社会治安管理创新的长效机制;"科技强警"中的硬件到位和软件跟进;警务评价体系变革中的调查技术手段科学化等仍要进一步完善。 After more than three years of reform and innovation,Yong Cheng city in Henan province has made a significant turn for a better social order,which arouses widespread attention in the academic world.Questions arise as: what was the Yong Cheng experience? Can the Yong Cheng experience be replicated and sustained elsewhere To find answers to these questions,an expert team on criminology conducted onsite research.Their conclusion is that at the core of the Yong Cheng experience are conditions regarding the region's unique and precise location favorable to the management methods and innovation for law and order,the transformation concept of prioritizing the management and innovation of law and order in the society,establishing a "social security control network" as the main characteristic of the three-dimensional security control network system,promoting the reform of the police system,giving police strength to management,gaining financial participation,quick promotion of a "Strengthening police by science and technology," building new police-public relations,etc.The Yong Cheng experience involves the uniqueness of its existing geographical area,but it also spans universally to all regions,which allows for new ideas in the management and innovation of law and order for societies throughout the whole country.To further explore the long-term effectiveness of the society's law and order management and innovation mechanism,the hardware of the "Strengthening police by science and technology" must be in place with the software following close behind,and the technology,science,methods,etc.for the investigation into the transformation of the police evaluation system still needs to be further perfected.
作者 张荆
机构地区 北京工业大学
出处 《河南警察学院学报》 2011年第6期5-12,共8页 Journal of Henan Police College
关键词 刑事政策 永城经验 警务机制 Criminal Policy Yong Cheng Experience Policing Mechanisms
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