
24例重型再生障碍性贫血患者抗胸腺细胞球蛋白联合环孢素治疗的疗效分析 被引量:2

Analysis of the Therapeutic Effect of ATG Combined With Cyclosporine in 24 Cases With Severe Aplastic Anemia
摘要 目的:分析重型再生障碍性贫血(再障)患者采用ATG和环孢素联合免疫抑制治疗(IST)的疗效。方法:回顾性分析使用IST的24例重型再障患者临床资料,并随访8~79个月,分析IST的疗效及可能影响疗效的因素。结果:使用IST方案总体有效率达75.0%。对IST治疗有效的患者,白细胞恢复时间为15~42d,中位恢复时间为24d。获得治愈的6例患者,血小板恢复时间为2~6个月。合用雄激素的患者治疗反应率为82.4%,高于未合用雄激素患者的57.1%。+30d时中性粒细胞绝对值(N)≥1.5×109/L的患者有效率为86.7%,N<1.5×109/L患者的有效率为50.0%。有18例患者拟诊为真菌感染,1例合并浸润性肺结核。+30d时N<1.5×109/L的8例患者均出现典型的肺部真菌感染灶。结论:IST可有效减少输血依赖。合用雄激素可增加治疗反应率;治疗+30d中性粒细胞绝对值≥1.5×109/L可能提示患者对IST反应好。中性粒细胞减少时间长的患者,感染发生率高,尤其是真菌感染。 Objective: To analyze the therapeutic effect of combined immunosuppressive therapy ( IST) ( ATG combined with cyclosporine) in treatment of patients with severe aplastic anemia. Methods: Clinical data of 24 patients with severe aplastic anemia were analyzed retrospectively,and were followed-up for 8 to 79 months. Therapeutic effects of IST as well as the factors that might influence the efficacy were analyzed. Results: The overall effective rate of standard IST was 75. 0% . In patients who responsed to IST,the recovery time of white blood cell was 15 ~ 42 days,the median recovery time was 24 days. The platelet recovery time was 2 ~ 6 months in 6 cured patients. The response rate in patients with com- bined androgen treatment was 82. 4% ,higher than that in patients without androgen ( 57. 1% ) . The response of rate patients with the neutrophilic counts ( N) ≥1. 5 × 109 /L at + 30 day ( was 86. 7% ) and 50. 0% in patients with N ﹤ 1. 5 × 109 /L ( 50. 0% ) . 18 patients were suspected with fungal infection,1 case complicated with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. 8 patients with N ﹤ 1. 5 × 109 /L showed typical pulmonary fungal infection foci. Conclusions: IST could effectively reduce transfusion dependence; when combined with androgen IST can increase the response rate. Neutrophilic counts more than 1. 5 × 109 /L at + 30 day may indicate a good response to IST. Patients with neutropenia for a long time have a higher incidence of fungal infection.
出处 《内科急危重症杂志》 2011年第6期348-350,共3页 Journal of Critical Care In Internal Medicine
关键词 重型再生障碍性贫血 抗胸脉细胞球蛋白 环孢素A Severe aplastic anemia Anti-thymocyte globulin Cyclosporin A
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