

The Meaning of the Structure of Egmont-Oranien
摘要 本文以歌德的戏剧《埃格蒙特》为研究个案,指出该作代表了歌德思想的重要转折标志,即由浪漫思脉向启蒙思脉的转向。一方面提出"埃格蒙特-奥兰宁结构"以凸显埃格蒙特这一人物类型的重要意义;另一方面则进一步追问英雄向死而生的命题,适当时引入克莱斯特的名作《洪堡王子》略作参照,凸显德国启蒙背景下不同代表性作家的思路差别。最后揭示此剧作为歌德转型启蒙之作的意义,是歌德倾向于启蒙思脉的重要标志,即在爱情与秩序之间的自由诉求。这是一种向现实妥协的选择,但也是一种告别青春浪漫时代的向社会的必由之路。 This essay focuses on the famous drama Egmont by Goethe and tries to reveal its significance of presenting the turn of Goethe's idea from the romanticism to the enlightenment.On the one hand the important meaning of the typical character as Egmont has been shown clearly,and on the other hand the differences between the representative writers in the background of the German Enlightenment have been discussed through raising the question of the hero's being and comparing the famous works of Kl59eist's Prinz Friedrich von Homburg.The conclusion has been drawn that this drama as the turning point in Goethe's literary career signifies his turn to the enlightenment which means pursuing freedom between the love and the order.It could be also regarded as a compromising choice in reality and a necessary way to enter the society through the farewell to the romantic adolescence.
作者 叶隽
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期52-57,共6页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 歌德 《埃格蒙特》 德国文学史 思想史 Goethe Egmont history of German literature history of ideas
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