
直流换流站与交流变电站合建站站用电设计方案 被引量:2

Study on the Designing Scheme for Auxiliary Power System Project of Combined DC Converter and AC Substation
摘要 站用电系统是直流极动力系统和交流站安全、可靠运行的重要支撑,且具有交流负荷种类繁多、负荷供电范围分散等特点。为解决合建站站用电系统设计存在的问题,本文比较4种站电源引接方式的特点及其在合建站采用的可能性,从经济性、可靠性角度分析站用电系统原理接线,结合±660kV宁东—青岛直流工程,直观地分析了合建站的交流负荷,在丰富真实的数据支持下,提出合建模式下的站用电系统设计方法及交流负荷初步供电分配方案,对后续直流工程具有一定的借鉴经验。 The auxiliary power system is the important sup- port for secure and reliable operation of DC system and AC substation, and it has the characteristics of wide variety of AC load and distributed power supply region of load. To solve the existing problem in designing auxiliary power sys- tem of combined substation, the characteristics of connec- tion mode for power source in four kinds of substations are compared, and the possibility of combined substation is dis- cussed. In addition, the connection mode of auxiliary power system is analyzed from the views of economic and stability. By taking the DC project of + 660kV Ningdong- Qingdao as example, AC load of combined substation is analyzed intui- tively. With the support of large amount of real data, the designing method for auxiliary power system under combined substation and the initial power distributing scheme of AC load are presented, which has certain reference for future DC project.
出处 《现代电力》 2011年第6期29-33,共5页 Modern Electric Power
关键词 直流输电 交流站 合建站 站用电系统:换流站 HVDC AC substation combined substation auxiliary power system converter substation
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